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Saturday, June 29, 2019


National Constitution Day, celebrated on 26th November every year, is a day to commemorate the adoption of the constitution of our nation by the Constituent Assembly. The constitution of our country was written under the chairmanship of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. It is a ready reckoner for the dos and don’ts to ensure peace and fair play in the country.


Here are long and short essay on Constitution Day of India to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any National Constitution Day essay as per your choice:


National Constitution Day is a day of pride for every Indian as it is a day to celebrate the adoption of our constitution.
The need to write and incorporate constitution of our own was felt after India got independence from the British rule in August 1947. Everything seemed hay wire back then and there was a dire need to make it all systematic. The Constituent Assembly of India set up a Drafting Committee which was assigned the responsibility of drafting the constitution of the country. The drafting committee worked under the chairmanship of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.
They drafted the constitution of India after considering the country’s socio economic conditions and various other aspects. The constitution of India came into effect on the 26th of January 1950; though, it was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 26thNovember 1949.
It was in the year 2015 that it was decided to celebrate November 26 as the constitution Day and commemorate the efforts of our leaders who worked hard to bring our constitution to form. The declaration for the same was made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 11th October 2015 while laying the foundation stone of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Memorial in Mumbai. 26thNovember thus became our National Constitution Day.
The day is celebrated in government offices. Speeches are delivered and people congratulate each other for the adoption and implementation of the constitution of the country. Speeches are also delivered in schools to acquaint the young generation with the features of the Indian constitution of our country.
It is indeed a day of national pride.


The constitution of India was drafted on 26th November 1949 after almost three years (two years and eleven months) of rigorous hard work by the drafting committee. The committee was headed by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar who played a key role in drafting our constitution. The constitution came into effect on 26th January 1950 which is celebrated as the Republic Day. National Constitution Day is celebrated on 26th November each year since 2015.
Father of the Indian Constitution and Constitution Drafting Committee Members
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is known as the Father of the Indian Constitution. A Drafting Committee was set up by the Constituent Assembly to draft the Indian Constitution. This committee comprised of seven members. These were Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi, N. Gopalaswami Ayengar, B.L. Mitter, Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer, Mohammad Saadullah and DP Khaitan. They took various things into account to come up with a constitution that preached to treat everyone equally and set goals for a better nation.
The Constituent Assembly comprised of many prominent leaders who played a key role in the Indian struggle for independence. There were a total of 389 members in the Constituent Assembly. These were reduced to 299 after the partition of India. Rajendra Prasad, Jawaharlal Nehru, Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi, Abul Kalam Azad, Nalini Ranjan Ghosh, B.R. Ambedkar, Shyama Prasad Mukherjee and C. Rajagopalachari were among few esteemed members of the Constituent Assembly. They played a major role in building our nation.
A Day Dedicated to Our Constitution
Since the constitution of our country came into form on 26th November 1949, this date was chosen to celebrate the National Constitution Day. This day is being celebrated since the year 2015 after Prime Minister Narendra Modi came up with the suggestion to dedicate a special day to our constitution.
It is a day of celebration for every Indian citizen. It is celebrated in schools, colleges and government offices.
The Indian constitution gave our country a direction and a sense of responsibility to our leaders. National Constitution Day is a mark of respect to the constitution.


National Constitution Day, also known as Samvidhan Divas, is a day to rejoice the adoption of Constitution of India. It is celebrated on 26th November every year. While the constitution of our country was implemented back in 1950, it was only recently that it was decided to dedicate a special day to celebrate this big achievement.
National Constitution Day Declaration
The decision to dedicate a special day to our constitution was taken by Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. It was on 11th October 2015 that PM Modi made this declaration as he laid the foundation stone of the B.R. Ambedkar Memorial in Mumbai. On 19thNovember the same year, the Indian Government declared 26th November as the National Constitution Day via a gazette notification.
2015 was the year when we celebrated Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s 125th birth anniversary. Ambedkar headed the Drafting Committee for the Indian Constitution. He played a key role in drafting the constitution of our country.
The decision to dedicate a day for the constitution of our country is an attempt to emphasize its importance and the need to follow it. The constitution was laid to ensure a systematic approach to run the country. It gave a sense of direction to the leaders and ensured a fair play. Some of the clauses in the constitution have been amended since then to keep it relevant as per the time. The procedure to amend the constitution has been shared in the constitution of India.
National Constitution Day Celebrations
National constitution day is celebrated in various government offices and schools across India. It is the day to celebrate the adoption of our national constitution. It is not a national holiday. It is a working day for schools as well as offices. However, people in government offices take a break from their routine tasks to celebrate this day.
Speeches are delivered and words of praise are sung in the honour of the Indian constitution. People often get into discussion about the Indian politics on such an occasion. Such discussions and celebrations are a good way to connect with each other.
Many schools also make efforts to organize special event to celebrate this day. Speeches, debates and quiz competitions form a part of National Constitution Day in schools.
A country’s constitution is its pillar of strength. It is the basis of a strong and peaceful society. National Constitution Day is a way to remind us of its importance and celebrate its existence.


National Constitution Day came into being in the year 2015. Since then, 26th November is being celebrated as National Constitution Day. It was Prime Minister Narendra Modi who came up with the idea of celebrating this day as National Constitution Day every year. The idea was welcomed by everyone. The constitution of India was adopted on 26th November 1949 and hence this date was chosen to celebrate this accomplishment.
The Constitution of India
The Constitution of India was written by a drafting committee that was formed by the Constituent Assembly of India. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar headed this committee. Here are few interesting facts about the Indian Constitution:
  1. The Constitution of India was adopted on 26th November 1949. It came into effect two months later that is on 26th January 1950 which is celebrated as the Republic Day.
  2. B.R. Ambedkar is considered as the Father of the Indian Constitution.
  3. It is referred to as a bag of borrowings as different concepts and clauses included in our constitution were directly inspired and taken from the constitutions of various countries including Ireland, France, Japan, South Africa, Australia, Germany, USA, Britain and Russia.
  4. After the drafting committee presented the final draft, more than 2000 amendments were made before it was finally approved. These amendments were made after a lot of discussion.
  5. The Constitution of India was handwritten and carefully calligraphed. It was written in both English and Hindi languages.
  6. The Constitution of India comprises of 448 articles. It has 5 appendices, 12 schedules and 25 parts.
  7. The Constitution was signed by 284 members of the Constituent Assembly on 24th January 1950. This was just two days before it was enforced.
  8. Indian constitution has undergone 101 amendments since its inception.
Significance of National Constitution Day
National Constitution Day is a day of national importance. It is a day to celebrate the adoption of the constitution of our country. It is also a day to honour and appreciate the committee that worked hard to come up with it. As he declared 26thNovember as the Constitution Day of India, PM Modi mentioned that this initiative has been taken to spread awareness about the Indian Constitution. He also said that the schools shall impart knowledge about the constitution of India to the students on this day.
Since, this special day has come into being just around three years ago people are still trying to understand its relevance and importance. While this day is as important as the Republic Day and Independence Day, its significance hasn’t been emphasized as much and it is not celebrated on such a grand scale. However, the fondness for this day is likely to increase over the years as the awareness about this special day grows and as people get to understand the significance of our Constitution.
National Constitution Day is a day of pride for every Indian. It should not just be celebrated in schools and government offices. Events should be organized to celebrate this day at other places as well. After all, it is a day of national importance.


The Constitution of India came into being on 26th November 1949 and after almost 66 years it was decided to celebrate the day of its adoption. On the suggestion of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, 26th November was declared as National Constitution Day on 19th November 2015.
The day is celebrated in various schools, colleges and offices across India since 2015.
National Constitution Day Celebration in My School
National Constitution Day has been celebrated with great enthusiasm in our school since the last three years. This year also a lot of activities were organized to commemorate this day. Everyone took active participation in these activities. The celebrations were as grand as those organized on Republic Day and Independence Day.
Our school was all decked up to celebrate this event. Students were asked to prepare posters of different members of the Drafting Committee of the Indian constitution as well as the Constituent Assembly. Many posters of Indian freedom fighters were also made. All these were pinned up at different places in the school. Famous slogans given by some of our prominent leaders were also written on posters and pasted all around the school. Our teachers made us write the fundamental rights and duties of the Indian citizens and these were hung in our classes.
The idea behind all this was to generate our interest in the Indian Constitution and acquaint us with what it is all about. We have not had a chance to learn much about our constitution as we had not been celebrating this day since long and also because we have not been taught much about it in the school. The concept is new and thus it seems more interesting.
As a part of the celebration, we all assembled in the school auditorium and read the ‘Preamble of Constitution of India’. It was a good start. This was followed by a speech by our principal. She spoke at length about how a special drafting committee consisting of seven members worked hard and came up with the final draft of the Indian constitution after almost three years of rigorous research and efforts.
We learned many new and interesting facts about our constitution through her speech. Many other teachers also stepped forward to talk about the significance of the constitution. This gave us a deep insight into our country’s constitution and made us aware about our fundamental rights and duties as well as various constitutional laws.
After this, it was time for debate competition. The topic for this was the Constitution of India. Many students from the senior classes prepared for this competition. After a heavy dose of debates by several students, it was time for the quiz competition. This was an inter-house competition. I also participated in it along with various other students from different classes. Each team comprised of students from the junior as well as senior classes. We learned a lot about the Constitution of our country in order to do our best in the quiz as all the questions were based on it.
Some students also performed a skit which was very entertaining as well as informative. This was the best part of the event. It was a fun-filled day. We thoroughly enjoyed the celebrations.
National Constitution Day Calls for Grand Celebration
National Constitution Day is an important day as the constitution of our country holds immense importance for us. The celebrations for this day must not be restricted just to schools and government institutions. The Government of India must spread more awareness about this day and its significance and it should be celebrated with enthusiasm across the country.
National Constitution Day has certainly generated the youth’s interest in the constitution of the country. It has also helped them understand its importance and role in building the nation.

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