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Friday, June 28, 2019


Mark Twain rightly said, “Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.” One must read books to ensure a fulfilling and satisfying life. Reading books is as important for a person as making friends and socializing. People have different tastes when it comes to books. While some may like the crime genre other might love romance while yet others might be hooked to science fiction. People tend to have personal favourites when it comes to books.


Here are long and short essay on My Favourite Book to help you with the topic in your exam. Following My Favourite Book Essay are written very simply using easy words under different words limit to help you with the topic in your exams. We have covered different famous books under our five essays, so that you can get your favourite one book essay.


‘My Favourite Book – Palace of Illusions’
I have read several of books. However, none has captivated my interest as the Palace of Illusions. The book is written by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. Born in 1956, Chitra is a well known Indian American author and poet. An alumnus of the University of Calcutta and the Wright State University, United States, Chitra received a Ph.D. in English from the University of California.
Her book, The Palace of Illusions narrates the story of Panchaali from the epic story of Mahabharat. Chitra has given a feminist interpretation of this epic saga by way of her narrator, Panchaali. The novel focuses on the life of Panchaali. It covers those aspects of her life that were missed in the other adaptations of Mahabharat. It gives a detailed account of Panchaali’s life right from the time she was born. Her birth was no less than a miracle. She was born magically in the fire.
Panchaali was the daughter of a wealthy king. She went on to marry the five pandavas. The hardships faced by her after her marriage, have been written at length in the novel. The challenges of living in exile, her relationship with her husband and mother-in-law and her equation with Lord Krishna have all been covered in the novel.
Panchaali is a charismatic and daring character. I simply loved reading about her. Chitra has portrayed the character and depicted the events very well.


‘My Favourite Book – 2 States by Chetan Bhagat’


I love reading romance novels and one of the best I have read so far is 2 states by Chetan Bhagat. I simply love the central characters of this novel and the way love evolves between them. The novel is said to be partly autobiographical. Bhagat’s own love story inspired him to write this book. The book was loved by the masses so much so that it was even adapted into a movie.
The Interesting Story of 2 States
The story is about a young Punjabi boy, Krish, and a beautiful South Indian girl, Ananya. The two studies at IIM Ahmedabad. They become good friends and spend a lot of time together. They soon fall in love with each other. They want to get married but are unable to foresee the difficulties that lie ahead. The problem begins when they introduce their parents to each other.
Being from different cultural backgrounds, the two families find it hard to get along. Krish and Ananya try hard to pacify the situation and establish a bond between the two. However, things go out of hand and they decide to part ways. They begin to concentrate on their respective careers but it is hard. It is difficult for them to forget each other. Finally, things take a turn for the good and they reunite.
I simply love the deep bond between Krish and Ananya. Chetan Bhagat has brought these characters to life. They seem just meant for each other. Other characters in the story are also quite strong and opinionated. It is interesting to read about each one of them.
I just love this book. I have read it thrice and can read it over and over again. The characters of this story seem so real that I actually start living with them every time I read this book. I have also seen the movie based on this book and enjoyed it thoroughly.


‘My Favourite Book – A Suitable Boy’


One of my all time favourite book is Vikram Seth’s A Suitable Boy. The story is really lengthy but doesn’t get boring at any point. It is one of the longest Indian novels ever published in English language in a single volume. It contains as many as 1349 pages. I love the theme as well as the characters of this story. It took me almost two months to finish reading this novel.
The Interesting Storyline
The story is set in India that recently attained independence from the British Rule. It narrates the story of four families. The story set in the fictional town of Brahmpur focuses on the character of Mrs. Rupa Mehra who is eagerly looking for a match for her younger daughter, Lata. As I began reading the book, it reminded me of Pride and Prejudice. 
The character of Mrs. Rupa Mehra resembled that of Elizabeth’s mother in the novel. The central theme seemed similar too. However, I somehow like, A Suitable Boy more as it is set in India and is more relatable. Though, Seth shares that this work has largely been inspired by the Chinese novel, The Story of the Stone authored by Cao Xuegin.
I particularly loved Lata’s character. She is a young girl who is daring and likes to take her decisions on her own. She does not conform to the rules set by her mother and the opinion of her brother. The difficulties she faces in the due course of the story and the way she tries to overcome them is interesting. Her character inspires me to stand for what I feel is right.
The caste and class tension and the post -partition politics form the backdrop of the novel making it more interesting.
About the Author – Vikram Seth
Vikram Seth, born in Calcutta in the year 1952, is an Indian author and poet. He belongs to a well educated and respectable Indian family. His mother Leila Seth became the first Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court. Seth has written several interesting novels and poems.
His writings have been immensely appreciated. He has won some prestigious awards for his work. These include the Padma Shri, WH Smith Literary Award, Sahitya Academy Award, Crossword Book Award, and the Pravasi Bhartiya Samman.
I love Seth’s portrayal of the changing family values and relationships in independent India. The social and political issues that the country was gripped with post independence have been interwoven appropriately to set the tone of the novel.


‘My Favourite Book – The Room on the Roof’
I read a lot. It is my favourite hobby. I keep reading books from different authors but my favourite ones are those written by the famous Indian author Ruskin Bond. I have been reading his books since my childhood and have always loved them. One of my favourite books is The Room on the Roof.
The Storyline
The Room on the Roof is the story of an orphaned Anglo-Indian boy, Rusty. He lives with Mr. Harrison. They reside in a European colony in Dehradun. Mr. Harrison wants Rusty to turn out into a sophisticated Englishman. This is the reason he tries to keeps him away from the Indians living in their vicinity. 
Rusty, on the other hand, loves playing with his Indian friends. He enjoys their company thoroughly. Unable to bear Mr. Harrison’s dominating attitude and rules, Rusty runs away to live with his friends. He starts living with his friends and becomes dependent on them for his routine needs.
Rusty explores so much about India and the Indian culture as he begins to live away from Mr. Harrison. He loves this new found freedom. But soon he realizes that he cannot go on this way for long. He understands that he needs to work in order to survive.
Soon, he begins to give English lessons to Kishen Kapoor, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor. They give him accommodation and food in return for his service. He starts living in a room on their roof. Eventually, he finds out that Mr. Kapoor is a drunkard. His wife, Meena is 20 years younger to him. Rusty feels infatuated to Meena and she reciprocates the feelings. The two grow quite close. For the first time in his life, Rusty feels elated.
However, his happiness is short-lived as Meena dies in a car accident. Rusty is devastated at the news and so is Kishen. After this incidence, Kishen goes to live with his aunt and Rusty is left alone. In order to overcome the grief and start life afresh, Rusty decides to get settled in England. Before leaving for England, Rusty meets Kishen. He learns that Rusty has become a thief while Mr. Kapoor has remarried. He takes it as his responsibility to help Kishen come out of the dark world of crime. He advises Kishen to lead a respectable life.
I love the Protagonist of the Book
I simply loved the character of Rusty. His journey took me through a roller coaster of emotions. I felt bad about his condition has a kid. The way he is treated by Mr. Harrison is heart-wrenching. I loved it when he ran away from Mr. Harrison’s house and experienced freedom. I also liked the equation between Meena and Rusty. However, the demise of Meena and the condition of Rusty towards the end saddened me yet again.
Ruskin Bond – The Famous Writer
Ruskin Bond is an Indian author of British descent. He resides in Mussoorie, India. He has written numerous books.  He is known for writing some of the best children’s books. He has received a lot of appreciation for his work. He has been awarded the Sahitya Academy Award for his contribution to literature.
The story of Rusty has touched my heart. I have read this book many times. I love the various phases in Rusty’s life and how he deals with the various challenges he faces.


‘My Favourite Book – The God of Small Things’
The God of Small Things is one of the best books written by an Indian author. This was the first novel of Arundhati Roy. It won her the Booker Prize for Fiction in the year 1997. It also happens to be one of my favourite books. I love its plot, characters and theme.
About the Author – Arundhati Roy
Arundhati Roy was born in Shillong, Meghalaya. Her father, Rajib Roy, was a tea plantation manager and her mother Mary Roy was a women’s rights activist. Her parents divorced when she was two years old. She lived with her mother. They settled in Kerala which was her mother’s home town. She has studied architect. She rose to fame with the release of her debut novel, The God of Small Things which became a best seller. It won her many accolades.
Roy is also a political activist. She has been working for environmental and human rights issues.
The God of Small Things
The God of Small Things narrates the story of a family living in Kerela in the 1960s. It covers several issues including the evil caste system and communism. It is the story of Esthappen and Rahel. It shares the joys and sorrows they experienced during their childhood years and how the turn of events during their early life evolved them as individuals.
The story moves to and fro, depicting the events occurring in the life of the twins when they were 7 years old and as they turned 31. The story is about a dysfunctional family. The relationship between the characters is quite complicated. It is something which is being passed from generation to generation. Pappachi, the grandfather of Rahel and Estha could not do well professionally and he takes out all his anger and frustration on his wife. He beats her throughout his life. The life of their kids Ammu and Chako are also screwed up.
Chacko’s wife Margaret betrays him. She falls for another man and leaves Chacko for him. However, soon after her lover dies. Chacko and Margaret have a daughter named Sophie, who also dies a tragic death. Ammu marries a man named, Baba who is an incompetent and abusive person. Their marriage also falls apart soon. The two have twins, Rahel and Estha.
The main part of the story begins when Sophie, Rahel and Estha meet. The twins are seven years old at that time. The plot gets interesting with several twists and turns. Ammu’s affair with a low caste man, Velutha, Sophie’s tragic death, Chacko’s hatred for Ammu and all that follows keeps the readers hooked. It is sad to read how Estha and Rahel have to part ways. The twins who were so close to each other are raised at different places and never get to see others for years. At last, they meet and realize how much they loved and needed each other.
The communist tension, the stress within the family, social issues and the complicated relationships are all written with precision and in a way that the interest is kept alive until the end.
I love the portrayal of the characters. They are all different from each other and have an interesting story of their own. I especially love the twins. My heart goes out for them. They had a traumatic childhood because of their abusive father and frustrated mother. Their lives didn’t turn out to be great even as they grew up. The only solace they found was in each other’s company which they realized as they reunited after years.
The novel touched my heart. It made me wonder how the rules made by the society almost ruin people’s life. I experienced several feelings such as anger, disgust, joy, and love as I went through this book.

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