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Tuesday, June 25, 2019



Life after school is quite different from the life in school. Children are nurtured in a particular manner for around fifteen years of their life and suddenly everything changes. Many teenagers tend to get perplexed by the kind of choices and atmosphere they are exposed to after school.
We do not need to take any major decision while we are in school. We continue to study and indulge in different activities as advised by our parents and teachers during school days. All we need to worry about is our grades. We know that our whole and sole job is to study thoroughly and the rest shall follow.
However, as soon as we step out of the school, the first major decision we need to take is to choose a course. This course needs to be chosen very carefully considering various aspects as it will determine our career up to a great extent. We need to appear for entrance exams in order to get admission in a reputed college and pursue a good course.
The challenges keep on increasing at every step. After this, we need to look for a job and work meticulously to establish a position at our workplace. Once we are settled professionally, people advise us to settle in our personal life too. The tasks and responsibilities are varied and endless. This is the reason why people often remember their carefree school days fondly and wish they could go back in time to relive those moments.


School life is comparatively quite simple as compared to life after school. We do not require making any major decisions during our school life and keep moving in a particular direction. However, life after school can be quite tough. We are faced with several challenges after the completion of our school. We are expected to act more responsibly, build our career and also keep our personal life intact.
Choosing a Course
One of the first challenges we face after school is choosing a course. There are numerous options to choose from and a number of things need to be considered before drilling down to one. Our grades in twelth standard play a major role in determining the course we can take up. Besides, we must also consider our interest, calibre and the scope of the course.
Seeking College Admission 
Once we decide on which course to opt for, it is time to look for the colleges where that course is available. Filling up the forms, preparing for entrance exam and other nitty-gritty’s involved in taking admission need to be taken care of. This involves a good amount of research. The experience is quite unlike the school days where we don’t have to look for anything. The school management, teachers and parents take care of everything.

Building Career
After pursuing a course, we need to decide whether we wish to pursue another degree or diploma to specialise in the field or whether it is better to start working and gain some experience before going for a course. Building career is a never ending process. We need to learn new skills and improvise continually in order to stay ahead of the competition and build a lucrative career.
Life after school is extremely challenging. One needs to take wise decisions and work hard to ensure a good life after school.


Setting goals and giving your best shot to achieve them is the key to succeed in life. It is important to set goals for life after school in order to ensure it moves in a planned and systematic manner. Your goals must not be restricted to your higher studies, career and profession. It is important to set goals related to personal life too.
Career Related Goals
It is important to build a career in order to ensure a good lifestyle and a comfortable life ahead. To build a lucrative career, it is important to set both short term and long term goals and work hard to achieve them. The first step towards this is to choose a course that has a good scope in the market. Apart from this, you must also consider your interest and competence. You would not be able to excel in a stream if you are not good at it even if it has a good market value.
It is a good idea to set goals for achieving/ improvising different skills. This can be done by joining part time courses alongside your main course. This can involve soft skills course, personality development course, courses to enhance analytical and problem solving skills or any course related to your main degree course.

Strike Work Life Balance
It is important to strike a work life balance. You will be advised to focus completely on your studies to build a lucrative career. There will be a lot of pressure and you might want to spend most of your time learning your lessons and looking for ways to perform better than your classmates. However, you need to understand that all work and no play can make you dull. It would eventually decline your power to concentrate and may even have a negative effect on your health.
One of your goals should be to maintain a balance between your studies and your personal life. It is important to rejuvenate amid the hectic study schedule. This is good for the mental as well as physical health. Studying continually can lower the ability to learn. This is why it is essential to take short breaks in between.
It is also necessary to exercise for an hour each day. Going out with friends every once in a while and spending quality time with family must also be on your list.
Goals have the power to streamline things. However, your goals and schedule prepared to achieve the same must not be too stringent. It should be workable and you must work with all your heart to achieve the same.


Life after school is an important phase. There is a lot of learning that one goes through during this time. Our true personality comes out once we are out of school as we are no longer guided and checked at every step unlike the school days. Our parents give us a chance to take decisions independently and this helps us learn and experience many new things.
Pursue Hobbies
School life is full of fun but it isn’t as easy. It has its own set of challenges. With the growing competition and vast amount of syllabus in the higher classes, there is no room for pursuing hobbies. The schedule is strict. Half the day of the school going students is spent in the school. Several things such as self study sessions, coaching classes and preparation for entrance exams needs to be accommodated in the second half.
School going students need to indulge in numerous activities that are lined up back to back. Life after school can offer some respite. Before they join a course or even as they seek admission in college, they can pursue their hobbies. They may join a hobby class or learn it online by spending an hour or two.
Give Time to Personal Relationships
The constant study pressure and strict schedule deprives the students from attending family functions, spending time with relatives and going on trips with friends. They can indulge in all this after school.
Spending time with family and friends is important for the all round development of a child. As they grow up, they are able to understand these relationships better and begin to value them more than ever. It is good that they get time for their personal relationships as they are out of school.
Take Own Decisions
Children are mostly spoon fed till the time they are in school. Parents take all the important decisions for them. Teachers take care of various things in the school. From the kind of co-curricular activities they should participate in to the number of hours they should dedicate for studies – students hardly have a say in anything. This is because the parents and teachers think that they can take better decisions on their behalf as they do not really have a sense of right and not.
However, as they enter life after school, parents begin to value their opinion in many decisions. They are even given the chance to take various decisions for themselves. While the parents and teachers may suggest various courses to the children, the ultimate decision in most cases is that of the children. They are given the chance to choose the course and college they wish to seek admission in. Likewise, parents trust their grown-ups with various other decisions. They give them the flexibility to take their own decisions.
The actual life of a person begins after school. A number of challenges await us once we pass out from our school. These challenges have the power to make or break us. It is important to stay calm and take decisions wisely in order to lead a fulfilling life ahead.


The life of a student undergoes a major change after school. There is a big difference between the school culture and the college culture and the life that follows is never the same. A lot of restrictions that school going students face are done with as they enter life after school. However, a lot more responsibilities and challenges await them.
School Life Vs Life after School
Life after school and the school life are two different phases of a person’s life. There are more differences than resemblance between the two.
Schools have strict rules that need to be adhered to. Every student must respect and obey these rules. The school timings, study pattern, time table – everything in the schools is fixed. There is no flexibility. The students do not get much chance to take any decision on their own. Most of the times, even the co-curricular activities and competitions the students participate in are not their choice. It is the teachers who decide as to who will participate in what based on their calibre whether or not it interests them.
At home, it is the parents who take all the decisions on the behalf of the children. The school they should go to, the activity or hobby classes they should join and the number of hours they should study – it is the parents who make all these decisions. The advantage here is that the children live a carefree life. They do not have to take any main decision and thus do not have to worry about the consequences. However, the negative point here is that at times the children are forced to indulge in things that don’t interest them at all. Besides, the strict routine and rigid rules can be quite exhausting.
Life after school gets a bit flexible. Most colleges do not require the students to come and leave at a fixed time each day. Students just have to attend their lectures and can plan the rest of the day as per their wish. The initial months in most courses do not require any extra coaching. So, the students have enough time to pursue their hobbies and interests. They also get ample time to spend with friends and family. Parents are more confident about the choices made by their children as they grow up so they let them make their own decisions. Likewise, in college they also get the chance to choose the competition and activity they wish to participate in.
The freedom to choose and live, grows as people move out of the college, start working and get older. However, it comes with a price. With freedom come responsibilities. They are accountable for their decisions and actions. This is the toughest part of life after school.
Life after School – Full of Challenges
Life after school is said to be full of challenges. One of the biggest challenges is to earn money and make a good living. For this, we need to pursue a good course and attain degree. A lot of research needs to be done and several things need to be considered before opting for one. This is one of the biggest challenges after school.
We cannot depend on our parents’ income for long. As we complete our studies, we need to dive into the real world and make a living. We get to meet all kinds of people as we begin working. We need to deal with them and build contacts. This can get stressful at times. Maintaining calm amid stressful conditions can be quite challenging. Maintaining balance between personal and professional life can be yet another challenge after school.
Life after school has its set of advantages and disadvantages. It can be handled smartly if we plan things properly and work diligently.

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