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Friday, June 28, 2019


Indian political system gives the citizens of the country the right to choose their government as it runs on a democratic setup. However, while the citizens of our country exercise their right to elect the government and have the power to change it in the next election, they still suffer at the hands of the politicians. While we do have some honest and sincere political leaders in our system, a majority of our leaders are corrupt.


Here are essay on Indian Politics of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can use any Indian Politics essay for your exams/assignments:


India is a democratic country. The political leaders and parties in India come into power by voting system. Indian citizens above the age of 18 years acquire the right to vote and elect their leaders. However, although it is a government by the people, to the people and for the people, the common man still suffers a great deal. This is because there is a lot of corruption within the political system of our country.
Most of our political leaders are known to be corrupt. Their corrupt practices often come to limelight however they are seldom punished for the same. Such a mindset and behaviour of our politicians is affecting the country adversely. This is hampering the growth and development of the country to a vast extent. The common man of the country is suffering the most due to the corrupt Indian politics. On the other hand, the ministers are misusing their power and position to further their interests.
A huge amount of tax is being levied on the general public. Instead of using this money to develop the country, corrupt politicians are filling their bank accounts with it. This is the reason why we have not developed as much as we should have since independence.
The Indian political system must be changed for good to bring about a positive change in the society.


India enjoys a democratic set up that gives the general public the right to vote and elect government. While this type of political system is strong and sound with clearly defined laws, in India it has been a prey to corrupt politicians ever since its inception.
The Need for Educated Ministers
In India, almost anyone can contest elections and come to power. The person contesting the elections must be a citizen of India and should be minimum 25 years of age. Apart from this, there are few other very simple clauses to contest elections in our country.
It is strange that there is no minimum education criterion to run the government in our country. It is ironic that the nation has witnessed many uneducated and non deserving candidates rising to higher powerful levels in politics purely on the basis of money and muscle strength. We cannot expect our country to grow in the right direction when the power is in the hands of such politicians.

There is a dire need to elect educated politicians for the development of our country. We can exercise NOTA if none of the politicians contesting the elections is well-qualified and worthy of the position.
Corruption at the Chore of Indian Politics
Most of the politicians are corrupt. They misuse their power to further their interests rather than serving the country. Every now and then there is news about ministers and their family members being involved in illegal practices and scams. Since they are in power they do not fear anyone and get away with the crime.
It is the common man who is suffering due to these corrupt politicians and their corrupt practices.
India, as a nation can prosper only if our political system is improved. We need educated, sincere and hard working politicians who work for the betterment of our country and not for their personal good.


India is a federal parliamentary democratic republic. It is known to be world’s largest democracy. This Indian political system came into being in August 1947 as the country got freedom from the British rule. The constitution of India was written soon after and came into force on 26th January 1950. It has seen several amendments since then. These changes have been brought about for the good of the society after a lot of consideration.
The Political Set up of India
The President of India is the head of the state in our country while the Prime Minister is the head of the government. We have an upper house referred to as the Rajya Sabha and a lower house called the Lok Sabha. The members of these houses are known as the Members of Parliament (MP). Here is a brief about these parliamentary houses: 
Lok Sabha
  • There are a total of 545 members in the Lok Sabha.
  • 543 Lok Sabha members are elected by the general public of the country through election. 2 Lok Sabha members are elected directly by the President of the country from the Anglo Indian Community.
  • Among other requirements, one must be 25 years of age in order to be eligible for Lok Sabha membership.
Rajya Sabha
  • There are a total of 245 members in the Rajya Sabha.
  • 233 members of the Rajya Sabha are elected from States and Union Territories. 12 members are nominated by the President.
  • A candidate must be at least 30 years old in order to become a Rajya Sabha member.
The Members of Parliament is an essential part of the Indian political system and have the power to take many political decisions collectively.
Political Parties and Formation of Government
India has numerous political parties that contest the elections. The party that gets majority of votes comes into power. The government of India is formed for a total of five years.
For years, the Indian National Congress and the Bhartiya Janata Party were the main political parties in the country that gave a tough competition to each other during elections. However, the recently formed Aam Aadmi Party headed by Arvind Kejriwal is now giving them a tough race.
The Indian political system largely suffers from corruption. Though the constitution of our country has clearly defined laws, the ministers are exempted from it for most part. They work as per their will and the general public suffers because of their corrupt means. The political system of the country needs serious reforms to ensure proper growth and development of the country.


The terms, politics and corruption can be used synonymously when it comes to the Indian political system. It would be no exaggeration to say that the Indian political system is corrupted to the core.
Politics and Corruption
India is a land full of corrupt politicians who think about nothing but juggling more and more money by corrupt means. They work for their own benefit rather than the benefit of their country. The cases of the Indian politicians being involved in various kinds of scams have come forward many a times and these are a proof how they are bluffing the general public of the country to further their selfish motives.
Our leaders make numerous promises to the general public before coming to the power but forget about the same as they gain power. This happens in every election. The poor public gets fooled by the corrupt ministers each time. They vote for the politicians based on the promises they make in the hope of a better future. However, they are disheartened each time. Their problems remain unheard and they continue to live miserably.
Time to Bring About Change
The people of India need to wake up and realize that the political system will continue to stay as corrupt as it is till the time they allow it to be. They must realize that they are being befooled by the corrupt ministers time and again. The corrupt practices of the ministers are having negative repercussions on the entire society. The rise in the prices of petrol, diesel, food items and other commodities is all a result of the corruption in the system. Unequal wealth distribution and slow economic growth of the country is also because of the corrupt practices of our leaders.
It is unfortunate that willingly or unwillingly, the general public is becoming a party to the corrupt practices. One of the clear examples of this is bribery. While we allege the ministers and government officials of bribery we forget that we also promote the same by giving bribery at various places just to get our work done quickly and smoothly.
It is time for us to stand united to drive corruption out of our country. The only way to bring about a positive change in the political system is to raise voice unanimously. We need to realize that our strength lies in our unity and we must use it to improve the system.
Let the History Repeat itself
Just as the Indians stood united against the British, we must come together once again with the same dedication and feeling of patriotism to fight against corruption and the corrupt politicians. We must all think above our petty issues and work for a bigger cause. It is time to bring about reforms and stop the corrupt practices of the people in power. If our ancestors could struggle and sacrifice so much for our better future then why can’t we do the same?
The politicians of India are eating the country like parasites. Instead of complaining and yet being a part of this corrupt system, we must now act upon breaking it. We, Indians must unite to bring about reforms by ending corruption.


Indian society has always been male dominated. Women were restricted to the household chores for centuries. However, they are now being educated and exploring different fields. Women of our country are making a mark in different domains and Indian politics is one of them. The parliament of India has a good number of women members and the number is increasing with each election.
Women Politicians in India
Some Indian women who have made a mark in the field of Indian politics include:
Indira Gandhi
Indira Gandhi was the first female Prime Minister of India. She had a keen interest in Indian politics and helped her father Jawahar Lal Nehru, the first Indian Prime Minister, with his political agendas. She became the Congress President in 1959 and went on to become the third Prime Minister of the country in 1966. She dominated the political scene during her tenure and was known for taking many hard decisions.
Her persona was so strong that she was named the ‘Woman of the Millennium’ in an online poll done by BBC.
Mamata Banerjee
Mamta Banerjee, the Chief Minister of West Bengal has proved to be stronger and wiser than many male politicians. She believed in herself and thus gathered the courage to separate from the Indian National Congress and form a party of her own in 1998. She is the founder of the All India Trinamool Congress (AITMC or TMC). She held many positions of prominence in the Indian politics before becoming the West Bengal Chief Minister. She is popular among the people of West Bengal who regard her as their Didi (elder sister).
She made a place in the list of 100 Most Influential People in the World in Time Magazine’s 2012 edition.
Jayalalithaa was known for her dynamic personality. She was extremely popular among the people of Tamil Nadu. Her popularity can very well be ascertained by the fact that she was elected as the Chief Minister of the state for five terms. People of Tamil Nadu regarded her as a mother figure. She was fondly called Amma. She is also remembered by the name Puratchi Thalaivi meaning revolutionary leader.
It was found that she had accumulated massive assets by indulging in corrupt practices owing to which she was sentenced to imprisonment for four years. Many people came out to show their discontentment against this verdict. They did so by setting themselves on fire or hanging themselves.
Pratibha Patil
Pratibha Patil served as the 12th President of India. She came to power in the year 2007 and successfully completed her term in 2012.
She has served numerous roles in the Indian politics and has years of experience in the field. She began her political career at the age of 27 when she got elected to the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly for the Jalgaon constituency. She went on to become the member of the Rajya Sabha and also served as a Member of Parliament for the Lok Sabha.
Sushma Swaraj
Sushma Swaraj is a well educated lady who served as a lawyer in the Supreme Court of India before joining the Indian politics. She is a popular leader of the Bhartiya Janta Party. She has served as the president of the party. She has been elected as the Member of Parliament seven times and thrice as the Member of the Legislative Assembly.
She has been serving as the Minister of External Affairs of India since May 2014. She had also served many other roles in the Indian politics.
India is lucky to have been blessed with such strong and dynamic women who have held positions of prominence in the Indian politics. They have set an example for the other woman to be confident, follow their dreams and work hard.

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