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Saturday, June 29, 2019


Independence Day in India is celebrated on the 15th of August. The country got independence from the tyranny of the British on 15th August 1947 and since then this day in the month of August is celebrated as Independence Day in our country. Independence Day hold special significance for the citizens of India. It reminds them of the bloodshed and sacrifices made by the freedom fighters to win independence.


Here are essays on Importance of Independence Day in India of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exams/school assignments. You can select any Importance of Independence Day in India Essay as per your need and interest:


The citizens of India suffered under the British rule for decades. The British officials looted the country of its wealth and treated the Indians poorly. India, once known as the golden bird, suffered immensely at the hands of the British.
The British treated the citizens of India as slaves. They made the Indians toil hard and paid meagrely for the same. The people here felt helpless and obeyed the instructions of the British to make their ends meet. However, we are thankful for those who showed courage and stood eye to eye with the British.
These Indian revolutionaries raised their voice against the tyranny of the British and inspired many others to do so. Numerous protests and rallies were conducted from time to time to express defiance against the British rule. While some of these revolutionaries such as Mahatma Gandhi followed the path of non-violence to further their aim others took to rather aggressive approach to fight the British and drive them away.
The joint efforts of both these types of revolutionaries paid off and India finally got Independence on 15th August 1947. Since then, 15th August is celebrated as Independence Day each year. It is celebrated with great pomp and show throughout the country.


Independence Day, 15th of August, holds a special importance for the citizens of India. It is a day that reminds them of the sacrifices made by the freedom fighters. It instills them with a feeling of patriotism and infuses them with the zest to do something for their country.
A Mark of Respect to the Freedom Fighters
India had been under the British rule for decades. The tyranny of the British kept increasing with time. Many Indians came forward to fight the British and drive them away from the country. Under the leadership of freedom fighters such as Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Mahatma Gandhi, Sarojini Naidu, Rani Laxmi Bai and Subhash Chandra Bose, the citizens of India came together and fought for their independence.

They were inspired by these leaders and participated in the freedom struggle selflessly. Several protests were held and many movements were initiated. Many people lost their lives and others went to jail during these events however this did not dither their spirit to fight the British. Independence Day is a way to remind us of their sacrifices and thus holds special importance for the citizens of our country.
Celebrate Independence yet Remain Grounded
Independence Day is also a way to celebrate our freedom. The citizens of India tasted true freedom the day our country attained independence. They celebrated this new found freedom and this day commemorates the same spirit year after year. However, it also reminds us the importance of being close to our roots and remains grounded even as we fly high and feel independent.
The people of India are thankful to those who fought for the independence of their country. They celebrate their freedom each year on the 15th of August which has been marked as Indian Independence Day. The day is indeed special for every Indian. This can clearly be seen by the way this day is celebrated throughout the country.


Independence Day is celebrated with great zeal in India and is of great importance to all the Indian citizens. The Indian flag is hoisted at various places in the country on this day. Several small and big functions are organized in offices, schools, residential societies and other places throughout the country. Here are the key highlights of these Independence Day celebrations:
  1. Flag Hoisting
The Indian flag, tri colour, is hoisted at the beginning of the celebration. Everyone gathered around for the celebration stands during flag hoisting which is followed by the national anthem, Jana, Gana, Mana. People pay respect to the national anthem by standing in attention position while it is played.
  1. Speech
Next in line is usually a speech by the chief guest or some member of the organizing committee. In schools and colleges, the speech is usually delivered by the principal. The speech is all about the way India got its independence from the British Rule and the challenges faced by the people living in colonised India.
  1. Poetry Recitation
Patriotic songs and poetry is sung by people to rejoice the event and remember the great souls who selflessly sacrificed their lives so that their fellow citizens could live in an independent country.
  1. Competitions
Debate and quiz competitions are held on this day and people actively participate in these. The theme of these competitions revolves around Independence Day. This brings the participants as well as the spectators closer to the feeling of patriotism for the country.
  1. Cultural Activities
Various cultural activities are held to add to the flavour of this event. Dance and singing competitions are held. Participants usually perform dance forms of different states. They are seen clad in colourful dresses matching the dance form they opt for. The whole atmosphere is filled with fun and frolic during these performances.
  1. Sweet Distribution
The ritual of sweet distribution on Independence Day is as old as the day itself. While earlier laddoos were distributed on this day, these days different kinds of sweets are distributed among the people. Beautiful and delicious tri-colour sweets are available in the market these days. These are distributed at various places to celebrate the event.
People are seen clad in ethnic wear mostly in saffron, white or green colour or a combination of these. Wearing tri-colour batches, hair bands and wrist bands is also in vogue these days. The whole atmosphere is filled with a feeling of patriotism. The whole nation stands united on this day.


We the citizens of free India love our country and are proud to be a part of it. Independence Day, celebrated on the 15th of August, holds a special significance for all of us. It is celebrated with great zeal in various schools, colleges, offices and other places across the country. We celebrate Independence Day in remembrance of those who sacrificed their lives to give us an independent nation and also to rejoice the freedom rendered to us. However, these are not the only reasons for the grand celebration on this day. Here are the various reasons why do we celebrate Independence Day and its importance to us:
  1. Pay Tribute to Freedom Fighters
One of the main reasons for the celebration of Independence Day is to remember the freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives so that we could breathe freely in an independent nation. The celebration is a tribute to all those great souls. Speeches are delivered to narrate the heroic deeds of our freedom fighters and thank them for freeing our country from the British Rule. Songs are sung in their praise and various cultural programs held on this day are also dedicated to them.
  1. To Be Grateful and Humble
The people who saw the massacre that occurred during the British reign and the kind of difficulties faced during that time are more humble. They have seen the real hardships of life and value the good times. This feeling of gratefulness and humble attitude is missing in the younger generation. Independence Day celebration is a way to acquaint people about problems of the real world and to remind them to be grateful for what they have been bestowed with.
  1. Celebrate the Spirit of Freedom
Independence Day is also celebrated to celebrate the true spirit of freedom and independence. The joy of the citizens of our country knew no bounds as the efforts of the freedom fighters paid off and they attained independence in 1947. They experienced true freedom and this spirit of true freedom is celebrated each year.
  1. Keep the Love for Our Country Alive
The entire country is filled with the feeling of patriotism around Independence Day. Dedicating a special day to the country’s independence and celebrating it in various parts is a great way to show love and respect for the country. It is a way to keep the love for our country alive in our hearts.
  1. Inspire Young Generation to Serve the Nation
Independence Day celebrations are a way to inspire the young minds to serve the nation as dedicatedly as the people of the earlier generations did. The brave deeds of the freedom fighters and their love and dedication for their country instil a feeling of patriotism in the young generation and they are inspired to serve the nation in whichever way they can.
Thus, Independence Day is celebrated for various reasons. To be precise, the day is celebrated to keep the spirit of patriotism alive and at the same time enjoy the spirit of freedom. Independence Day is a national holiday in our country and is thus also a time to bond with the near and dear ones and celebrate the day together.


Independence Day in India is celebrated on the 15th of August each year. The country had been under the rule of the British since almost around 200 years before it finally freed itself from their clutches and became an independent nation. 15th August since then has become a day to celebrate the feeling of freedom. It is also celebrated as a tribute to the freedom fighters who laid their lives to give us a better place to live.
It is celebrated by each and every citizen of India with great zeal and courage because Independence Day means a lot to them and very important. Here is how it is celebrated in the schools, colleges as well as whole country and its importance to the students and citizens of country:
Independence Day Celebrations in Schools/Colleges
Since 15th August is a national holiday, Independence Day celebration in most of the schools and colleges in the country is held a day before. Many schools, colleges and other educational institutes in the country have a full blown Independence Day celebration.
Independence Day celebrations in schools and colleges across the country include flag hoisting, speeches, debate and quiz competitions, dance, poetry recitation and various other cultural activities. Students are thrilled about these activities and take part in them with all their heart. Primary wing students are even seen dressed as freedom fighters. These activities take the students closer to their roots and fill them with the feeling of patriotism which is otherwise missing in this generation.
Independence Day Celebrations in Offices
The celebration in the offices is also held a day prior to the Independence Day. In offices, the employees are usually asked to wear saffron, white or green attires to keep up with the theme of Independence Day. People are seen wearing ethnic dresses in the mentioned colours and the entire atmosphere is lit up.
Flag hoisting is done in many offices across the country. Special lunches are organized to strengthen the bond among the employees. Tri-colour rice and sweets form a part of these lunches. People also come forward to give speeches on the occasion. Some offices also organise cultural programs to add to the spirit.
Independence Day Celebrations in Residential Areas
The resident welfare associations of various residential areas these days take the initiative of celebrating Independence Day. People gather around in a nearby park during the morning hours on Independence Day to celebrate the day in its true sense. They dress up according to the Independence Day theme and participate in various activities organised during the event. Flag hoisting is done at the onset of the celebration.
People stand in attention position to pay respect to the national anthem which is played after the flag is hoisted. Patriotic songs are played on full volume during these celebrations and people are seen immersed in the feeling of patriotism. Dance and poetry recitation competitions are held during these events. Fancy dress competitions are also held wherein kids are seen dressed up as freedom fighters such as Jawaharlal Nehru, Sarojini Naidu, Bhagat Singh, etc.
These competitions are mostly followed by brunch. People sit and enjoy food together during these events. It is a good time to bond with one’s neighbours.
Kite Flying
Kite flying is done as a ritual on Independence Day in many parts of our country. Colourful kites flying freely in the sky are considered to be a symbol of freedom. People take to their roofs or go to nearby grounds to enjoy the kite flying activity. They invite their friends and relatives to enjoy this activity together. It is great fun. Kite flying competitions are also held at various places and people participate in these with full enthusiasm.
Independence Day is a day to celebrate freedom and independence. It is also a day to remember those great souls who stood up for their rights and fought without caring about their lives. It is celebrated with immense zeal across the country.

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