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Saturday, June 29, 2019


Election in a general can be termed as a decision or opinion making process which is used to elect candidates for a specific position. Election plays a pivotal role in a political system especially in a democratic form of government in a country. It is a tool which is used to choose the representatives of public to be sent to the governing bodies.
It could also be termed as the backbone of democracy as this is the way through which the citizen of a country directly participate in framing the government which works for their welfare.


We have provided below various essay on election in English for students of school/college under different word limits. We have covered election related many topics through these election essay such as essay on election, importance of election essay, election campaign essay, essay on election awareness or election in India essay etc.
It will also make you understand the answers of many election related questions such as what is election, what is the importance of election, what are the types of election, what is the role of election commission of India, what is election process, what is the purpose of having election, what are the functions of election, what is election campaign, What is the importance of election campaign, what are the benefits of political campaigns, what is the importance of election/voting awareness, how to spread voting awareness, what are the things we must know before voting, why do we need elections, what is the importance of election in democracy and may more.


Election is the process through which people express their opinion through public voting and elect the candidates to be sent to the public offices. Elections are considered as the base of democracy as it ensures that the government chosen through election is of the people, by the people and for the people. A free and fair election showcases the signs of a healthy democracy in a country. Through election, the citizens of a country express their acceptance or denial for the government’s policies and working.
Election could be conducted for various positions and levels in a country. It could be presidential, parliamentary, for legislative assemblies or council. The elections are conducted and administered by an electoral agency which is an autonomous body entrusted with the responsibility of conducting peaceful and fair election in the country. The complete electoral process is taken care by the agency starting from registering the political parties for the election till the declaration of the election result.
Election gives the authority in the hands of the public and provides them the freedom to elect the government of their choice which will work for their growth and development. It also keeps a check on the working on the incumbent government as they have to appear before the public after the completion of their tenure.


India is a democratic country and importance of election in a democratic country could never be neglected. Elections in India play a very vital role in the country’s politics and its overall growth and development. During the British rule, India was under the Constitutional Monarchy of the British Queen and did not have any self government. However after the independence it became a democratic republic country with a government which is chosen through the hands of its citizen.
Types of Elections in India
The major types of elections which are held in India are Presidential, Lok Sabha (General Election), Rajya Sabha, State Legislature and local body. The elections in which the public is directly involved are the General Elections (MP) and State Legislature Assembly (MLA) for the election of Prime Minister and Chief Minister of state, respectively.

What is the Role of Election Commission of India?
Election Commission of India is the apex autonomous electoral agency of India which is involved in supervising and administering the complete election process. It is entrusted with the responsibility of providing constitutional status to the political parties, completing nomination process, implementing Model Code of Conduct, taking care of complete voting process, result declaration as well as ensuring free, fair and transparent election process.
Election Process in India
The election process in India starts with the declaration of the election dates followed by filing of nomination by the candidates which is scrutinized and accepted by the election commission. The voting is conducted on the election date in the respective constituencies through Electronic Voting Machines (EVM). Any Indian citizen who has attained the age of 18 years having a valid proof of identity can cast his vote in the election. The votes are counted on the result declaration day and the candidates with higher number of votes are declared winner.
Election in India is considered as the festival of democracy because this is the day which gives immense power to the public to exercise their voting right which could change the destiny of a nation. Elections are also a platform on which a voter sees a new light of hope to strengthen the country and a ray of nation building.


Election Campaign or Political Campaign is a set of activities and efforts conducted towards the public or a particular group to influence their thoughts and convince them to gain their support in the election. It also helps to shape the public opinion in the favour of a particular political party or candidate. The campaigns are also used to highlight the achievements of a political party through print and electronic media. 
What is the Importance of Election Campaign
The significance of Election Campaign during election could be understood from the fact that a huge amount of expenditure is incurred by the political parties on these campaigns. It plays an important role in the following ways:
  • Structuring the Public Opinion
Election Campaigns are a way by which political parties try to structure the opinion of the public through public meetings, rallies, road shows and interviews etc. It gives them a platform through which they convey their messages to the citizens so that they support them in the elections.
  • Platform for Debate
Political Campaigns also provide a platform for healthy debate between political rivals. It gives them an equal chance to showcase their achievements and highlight the weaknesses of their rivals which helps the public to frame their opinion for the election.
  • Reach Out to Public
Reaching out to public is also an important step to understand the ground reality of a region and Election Campaign makes it possible through local public meetings, open talks, personal communication, direct public interactions etc.
Election Campaign in India
Political parties in India gear up for the election campaign just before the start of the election. The campaign starts by organising mammoth rallies, large public meetings, door to door canvassing, extravagant road shows etc. Campaigning is also done through mass advertising via print and electronic media.
Newspapers, radios, televisions etc are highly used for the election campaign highlighting the achievements, policies and promises of the political parties. With the availability of most affordable internet services, election campaigns have gone digital and made their way to social media platforms also.
Benefits of Political Campaigns
From the perspective of the political parties, Election Campaigns plays a significant role in persuading the voters in the election process. It helps them to reach out to the public for direct interaction and share their policies and promises.
From the perspective of public, election campaigns help to know the candidates, their policies and frame an opinion towards them. It also gives a platform where they can highlight their issues and have direct talks with the candidates.
Elections and Election Campaigns signify the presence of a healthy democracy in a country. It gives a fair option to the public to vote for a right candidate and a stable government. Election Campaigns may sometimes be luring, deceptive and misleading too hence an individual should always rely on his instinct and intelligence before arriving at any decision and use his voting right sensibly.


Election in a democratic country is considered as the ‘Festival of Democracy’ as it is the instrument through which the fate and future of a country gets decided. Hence it is important that the citizen of a country understand the importance of election and know how their single vote can shape the destiny of their nation. In order to make public take informed decision, awareness about election is the foremost step in an electoral process.
Importance of Election/Voting Awareness
During an election, each and every vote has a high significance hence it is important that it is casted sensibly to the right candidate. Election awareness helps to sensitize people about the electoral process, educates them to know about the political parties, their manifestos and the background of the candidates so that they make up a right decision and vote for the deserving candidate.
Election awareness also educates people about the importance of voting and how it can be used for their welfare, growth and development. It also makes them aware about the luring and deceptive election campaigns of the political parties and how not to fall prey to cash, liquor or gifts in lieu of their vote.
How to Spread Voting/Election Awareness
Election awareness can be spread through the following ways:
  • Voter Awareness Forums
The Electoral Agency during an election organizes Voter Awareness Forums (VAF) across various locations to generate discussions and awareness around the election process. People can ask their queries and get the resolution on the spot by the VAF volunteers.
  • Through Print & Electronic Media
Election awareness could also be made through various print and electronic media campaigns. It helps people to understand the complete electoral process and the value of their voting right.
  • Organizing Skits and Street Theatres
Skits and dramas are the best medium to instill a thought in the minds of the audience. Street Theatres especially in the rural area can help a lot on educating people in the villages so that they use their voting right and use it sensibly.
Things to know before you Vote
There are few very important things which need to be taken care of before casting your valuable vote.
1) Check for your name in the Voters’ list.
2) Get to know your polling station.
3) Know your Booth Level Officer.
4) Know your candidate.
You can check all the information through the ‘Voter Helpline’ number, online election portal or from your constituency’s election in charge officer. You also need to carry a valid proof of identity to cast your vote at the polling booth.
Election awareness is very important to motivate people so that they take part in the electoral process and give their helping hand to build a healthy democracy in the country. The electoral agency in a country does its bit by organizing various awareness campaigns in the country or state however the efforts does not reach to every corner.
Hence it is the prime responsibility of the youths of the country to educate people about the importance of election and make them understand the power of voting then only we can value the democracy in real terms.


Elections are one of the important pillars on which the democracy of a country lies. It provides the power in the hands of its citizen so that they could utilize it to elect a government of their choice which could work for their betterment and safeguard their rights and freedom. It also helps in building new leaders who can lead the nation on all fronts and ensure progress, prosperity and development in the country.
Why do we Need Elections?
Election is considered as the essence of democracy and it is the method by which most of the governments in the world are formed. It not only helps public to choose a representative of their choice but also keeps a check on them. Elections also play a pivotal role in a country in the following aspects:
  • For Healthy Democracy
As we know that democracy is a form of government where the power lies in the hands of its citizen and free and fair elections are the signs of a health democracy. It gives the right of voting to the public so that they can elect the government of their choice which works for their welfare.
  • Keeps a Check on Government
Elections also keep a check on the government as it gets conducted at a definite interval and the incumbent government could be uprooted and replaced if their policies go against the welfare of the public. It acts as a medium through which the politics in a country gets controlled by its citizens.
  • Self-Corrective Measures for Government
From the government’s aspect, election acts as a self corrective measure as it helps them to review their performance at a regular interval and put their efforts to work for public welfare and frame policies which appeal to citizens so that they support the government through voting as voting is the only medium to have the legitimate power.
  • Control on Autocracy
In an autocratic government, the supreme power lies in the hands of a single person like monarchies or dictatorship. Elections prevent the country from becoming autocratic as it gives the power in the hands of its people by distributing it equally among all and conducting elections at definite interval.
Importance of Election in Democracy
Election in a democratic country helps to sustain democracy by directly including its citizens in choosing a government for the country. The electoral process involves people from different backgrounds, communities, classes etc to put their valuable opinions through election. It gives them an option where they can choose a candidate, without any pressure or force, who talks for them and represents them on much larger platform.
Elections not only represent the people in majority but it also talks about minority. It respects the opinions of both in choosing a government which provides them an equal opportunity, equal distribution of income and equal right on the country’s resources. The government chosen through public voting will always work for the inclusive growth without any discrimination or favor and will focus on making the country strong and developed.
Elections play a pivotal role in sustaining democracy in a country and safeguarding it from anarchy and dictatorship. It provides the power in the hands of its people and gives them an option to make their choice of government in the country. It is a tool which helps every class and community to get up and speak for themselves through their representatives. It also keeps a check on the government and its policies as it has to appear in front of public during elections and could be replaced if their policies and workings are against the welfare of the public.

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